Championing Excellence in Customer Service #CSWeek2020

Championing Excellence in Customer Service #CSWeek2020

Posted on October 9th, 2020


  • James Ochieng’ Oduol, C.Arb, FCIArb

  • John M. Ohaga, SC, C.Arb, FCIArb

  • Marysheila Onyango-Oduor, FCIArb

  • Catherine Kariuki Mulika

The legal industry is an age-old profession anchored on working directly with people. In celebrating Customer Service Week, we appreciate the role of lawyers as customer service representatives, serving every client with care, diligence and integrity.

In this video series, we engage with various practice leaders in the firm to discuss various aspects of the customer experience in the firm. On the first day, we sat with Catherine Kariuki, Deputy Managing Partner in charge of Business Development on the importance of knowing your customer and adapting to their needs. Next, we had CIO Michael Michie narrating the firm’s technology adaptation to various client needs and how the soon-to-be-launched client service portal will enhance service delivery. Marysheila Onyango-Oduor spoke on the firm’s initiatives to celebrate our customer service heroes and how we aim to promote employee satisfaction at every level to maintain motivation.

As a long-standing and yet evolving profession, it is important to chart the path of maintaining customer satisfaction over time. Senior Partner James Ochieng’ Oduol shared his view from 30 years of practice and gave some advice to young practitioners as well. Managing Partner John M. Ohaga SC closed off the week with a narration on how the firm maintained brand trust in a pandemic and our efforts to continue to build brand trust in the years to come.

TripleOKLaw LLP would like to thank every client for the opportunity to serve and we look forward to a fortuitous future.

Happy Customer Service Week!