Energy & Natural Resources

Energy & Natural Resources

At TripleOKLaw, we aim to provide our clients with practical (but always strategic) advice, proudly supporting them as they take the first (or last) step on this energy journey.

The supply and demand of energy and the resulting transition to renewable energy on a global scale have caused disruptions and transformations in economic and industrial infrastructure. It is no longer a question of if you are interested in pursuing the next-generation energy service provider, but when.

And to the team at TripleOKLaw, the energy, resources, and renewable energy sector is extremely exciting, forward-thinking, and has the planet’s sustainability at its very core. However, it is not without risks – which can be high. Costly too. Nevertheless, any potential risks that may arise are weighed against the immense opportunity for technological advancement for both emerging and established businesses, when approached correctly.

Our multi-disciplinary, experienced team knows and understands the energy, resources, and renewable energy industry – disruptive as it is – like the back of their hands. As such, we can assist clients in identifying and mitigating risks and challenges as and when they arise. Not only that, but we can offer bespoke solutions to all your legal requirements across the energy, resources, and renewable energy sector.

With our collective specialized skills, we are perfectly suited to support you as you take on occupational health and safety issues, project development and/or project finance, mergers, and acquisitions, as well as the all-important regulatory issues. Whatever you need, we are here for you.


  • Highly Ranked: Projects: Infrastructure, IFLR1000 2022
  • Highly Ranked: Projects: Power, IFLR1000 2022

Key Matters

1. K&M Advisors LLC

(An internationally recognized finance and engineering advisory firm) in conducting a feasibility study for Kenya Electricity Generating Company PLC. The study concerned the development and operation of infrastructure for the importation of liquefied natural gas, conversion of the existing Heavy Fuel Oil/Medium-Speed-Diesel HFO Power Plants, and development of a natural gas power generation plant valued at USD 320 million (KES 43.2 billion).

(The Kenyan government body government enterprise charged with the production of electricity) in legal advisory and contract drafting services including drafting the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) Listing Representation, the Communications Agreement, and the Collaboration Agreement with the largest development bank in collaboration with the international agency for financing economic growth. 

In developing a legal obligation register to identify all relevant mining and non-mining national laws, regulations, and policies that would impact its post-mining land use (PMLU) activities. 

In developing a legal obligation register to identify all relevant mining and non-mining national laws, regulations, and policies that would impact its post-mining land use (PMLU) activities. 

(The Kenyan state-owned enterprise charged with the generation of electricity) in legal research and drafting of project documents for a major geothermal energy PPP project, including the Request for Proposal tender documents, the Project Implementation and Steam Supply Agreement (PISSA) with the special purpose vehicle (SPV), the Power Purchase Agreement, the Plant sub-lease and the Lenders Direct Agreement.

On proposed Energy (Net Metering) Regulations 2022 and its proposed implications with respect to distributed energy generation based on renewable energy technologies such as solar photovoltaic systems, hydropower, and biomass.

Recent Insights


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